Equipo de Entrenamiento de Fuerza Impex

Impex Strength Training Equipment

Strength training is an important part of achieving true fitness. It can be difficult to know exactly what kind of regimen you should undertake, but Impex has a multitude of machines, free weights, and other equipment for those who are interested in toning their muscles without having to go to the gym.

What kind of exercise equipment is used for strength training?

When working to build lean muscle, there are several ways to go about it. The type of equipment that is best for you depends on your fitness level and goals, but both home gym style machines and free weights are effective ways to exercise and achieve your fitness aspirations.

What are some fitness benefits of using free weights?

Working out with free weights is one of the oldest forms of strength training. Free weights allow you to move in three dimensions. These types of workouts are good for preventing injuries that can occur because they mimic the movements that you make in your everyday life. You also get a lot of residual benefits because you have to engage muscle groups that you aren't even exercising at the moment to maintain your body's stability while working out.

Are home gym workouts ideal for building lean muscle?

Impex home gym-style workout machines restrict your movement when you are working out. The movements are two dimensional. Every exercise involves pushing or pulling weight in and out, up and down, or forward and backward. Because there are only two directions that you can go per workout, this helps to prevent injuries that can occur while exercising.

What are some basic muscle toning exercises?

There are no limits to your range of motion when you use free weights, and you can do many types of lifting with the Impex Home Gym. Here are some basic exercises:

  • Bench Press: The bench press mainly focuses on the chest and shoulders. Lay with your back flat against your Impex workout bench. The soles of your shoes should be flat against the ground. Once you are ready, lift the bar from its stand, bring it down slowly to your chest, and then press it upward while keeping your back and the soles of your parallel to the floor. Inhale when bringing the bar down, and exhale as you are pressing it upward. You should always have someone available to spot you when you are doing bench presses.
  • Chest Press: While the chest press is similar to a bench press, there are some differences. It is always good to work with a partner for motivation and safety reasons, but with the mechanical apparatus, you may not need a spotter. You are sitting up instead of lying down while the machine suspends the load, and you push it forward instead of upward.
