Diamantes Naturales sueltos color de fantasía

Loose Fancy Color Natural Diamonds for All Occasions

Nothing beats the look and feel of a loose diamond as you show it to your friends. The only thing better than a single diamond is many, and when it comes to natural diamonds, you have plenty of choices to pick from.

What does it mean if a diamond is GIA?

When a diamond is GIA-certified, it means that it has been recognized as being genuine by the Gemological Institute of America. This prestigious institution inspects millions of diamonds every year, and if they pass inspection, they receive GIA certification. Diamonds of any carat can be GIA-certified, and this institution also certifies diamonds of any color.

What are the different colors of loose diamonds?

Diamonds are available in a number of colors beyond just white and black. While pure diamonds are transparent white in color, various impurities can make these precious stones take on different hues. Some common diamond colors include:

  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Brown
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Purple
What are some different diamond cuts?

Even though loose diamonds aren't set in jewelry, they are available in the same cuts that you would see in a ring or a necklace. In addition, they have the same carat quality of diamonds that have already been embedded in jewelry. A few of the different cuts used with loose diamonds include:

  • Cushion: Diamonds with a cushion cut have rounded edges and the general shape of floor cushions.
  • Round: Round-cut diamonds are circular, and they have a number of radiant facets.
  • Princess: Princess-cut stones are four-sided, and they have sharp corners. They feature intricate facets, and you?ll see them frequently in rings and pendants.
How do you pick the right loose diamonds?

Before you make a final decision when it comes to diamonds, you should consider the jewelry setting you plan to use with your gems. Certain types of natural diamonds go better with certain types of settings, so you should consult a color chart before proceeding. Also, you should consider the types of outfits that you want to wear with your diamonds and whether or not a certain color of stone might clash with your clothing or other jewelry.