Motor Mounts for Mercedes-Benz E320

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Motor Mounts for Mercedes-Benz E320

Have you experienced any problems while driving your Mercedes-Benz E320 such as louder-than-normal engine noise, vibrations throughout the interior, or the engine jerking around while accelerating or stopping? If so, then it is probably time to replace the motor mounts that keep the engine locked in place and dampen all the noise and vibration that is a byproduct of internal combustion. With a wide selection to choose from, you can find the right motor mounts for your Mercedes-Benz E320

What kinds of motor mounts are there for a Mercedes?

There are different kinds of motor mounts available for your Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedan, depending on what you’re looking for as far as performance versus comfort are concerned, but they are all constructed in the same basic fashion. There is the piece that mounts to the motor and will have different buffering materials depending on your choice. It will connect to a bracket mounted on the frame of your E320, which will be secured with bolts.

  • Rubber mounts are the most commonly used type on most cars. They come standard from the factory and are considered the most conducive for those using their Mercedes-Benz for everyday travel. At the connection point is a piece of rubber that dampens both vibration and noise in your sedan.
  • Hydraulic mounts are made with a hollow chamber in the middle that is filled with hydraulic fluid that absorbs noise and vibration. They are for smaller four- or six-cylinder motors that move around more in the frame.
  • Polyurethane mounts are harder than traditional rubber mounts. This means slightly more noise and vibration inside the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, but also higher performance. This is because the motor has less ability to move than with rubber mounts. More movement means a loss of energy that would otherwise have gone to the drivetrain.
  • Solid mounts have no buffer between the metal contacts on the motor and frame of your Mercedes-Benz E-Class. There is a good deal more noise or vibration than on other models, but there is also a much higher level of performance. These are a great option if you are planning on subjecting your Mercedes-Benz E320 to race-like conditions.
What is the difference between aftermarket and OEM parts?

When making the choice on which motor mounts you want to purchase for your Mercedes-Benz E-Class vehicle you must decide between original equipment manufacturer, or OEM, parts and aftermarket. OEM motor mounts are designed and produced by Mercedes-Benz and are made specifically for your E-Class vehicle. Aftermarket is an umbrella term for all those companies other than Mercedes-Benz that produce motor mounts. With Mercedes parts, you can rest assured that the motor mounts you purchase are tailored for your E-Class vehicle while aftermarket mounts might not only work on your E320, but also other cars out there with a similar design. Other companies will undoubtedly have different models and options of motor mounts available that Mercedes will not carry. Ultimately, you should decide what you need and what product will serve that need the most.